January 5th, 2022
These past few weeks I have been on winter break, and since I completed my original work I have not had too many updates on my ISM progress. However, during the break, I did receive some information that I did not want to hear from the PA that I asked to be my mentor. Due to the new coronavirus variant, known as the Omicron variant, hospital restrictions are even more limited. There has been a new rule put into place that only employees of the hospital of Scottish Rite (which is where I have been interviewing), as well as patients in need, are allowed in the hospital. This was upsetting news to hear as I was very close to finding a mentor and gaining in-person experience after my virtual mentorship process last year in ISM 1. Becoming aware that I will probably have to experience more of a virtual mentorship was not the best news to hear. However, I am going to adapt to the situation as I always do, and make the best of the situation. There is nothing I can do about the global pandemic and how it is affecting society, so the best thing I can do is adapt - and that is exactly what I am going to do. I look forward to what is to come in the rest of this semester for ISM, and how my journey will continue to adapt to the global coronavirus pandemic.
